Data protection information

The protection of your privacy when using our website is an important concern for us. This data protection information therefore explains which of your personal data is processed when you use our website and how this data is protected by us (= controller). Data processing is carried out on the basis of the applicable legal provisions.

1) Who is responsible for processing my data?

Dataresponsible for data processing for this website:
All In Living GmbH, Wollzeile 16, 1010 Vienna
Representative of the person responsible: DI Clemens Bauer,

2) What data is processed?

When you visit our website, we temporarily store and process the following (log) data:

  • IP address of the requesting computer
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file
  • Amount of data transferred
  • Message as to whether the request was successful (HTTP status code)
  • Recognition data of the browser and operating system used

The data collected is stored for up to 30 days. The legal basis for the storage of this data is our legitimate interest, as it serves in particular the proper operation of the server and system security (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR). In this context, we would like to point out that the IP address is only analyzed in the event of attacks on our network infrastructure.

We process personal data that we receive from you via a form or e-mail as part of a business initiation. This is the case, for example, when you send a booking request on our website. This personal data includes, among other things: Name, e-mail address, telephone number. Which (further) data is collected in detail can be seen from the respective input forms on our website.

If a contractual relationship results from the business initiation, the legal basis for the storage of this data is the fulfillment of the contract with you (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). In this case, your relevant data will generally be stored for the duration of the contractual relationship (unless some of it can be deleted earlier because it is no longer required). The storage period of the collected data is generally 3 years after termination of the contractual relationship (general limitation period of the purchase price claim) or 7 years if the data is subject to the tax retention obligation of the BAO or the UGB.

If no contractual relationship results from the business initiation, the legal basis for the storage of this data is our legitimate interest, as this data processing is necessary for communication with you (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR). In this case, the data will be stored by us until you request deletion.

3) Who receives my data?

Data stored when accessing our online offer will only be transmitted to third parties without your consent if we are obliged to do so by law or by court order or if disclosure is necessary for legal or criminal prosecution in the event of attacks on our Internet infrastructure.

1. processors
We do not carry out all processing activities relating to the stored data and cookies ourselves, but also rely on the support of carefully selected and reliable partners (= processors). They also ensure the security of your data through suitable and state-of-the-art technical and organizational measures. Our partners are not permitted to use the personal data provided for purposes other than those for which it was provided.

2. consent to the use of cookies and to the transfer of your data to the USA
Our website uses cookies that are required for the basic functions of the website and that cannot be deactivated (technically necessary cookies). These cookies are used exclusively by us (“first party cookies”). Technically necessary cookies store, for example, the cookie selection you have made in the cookie banner. The legal basis for the processing of this data is our legitimate interest, as it serves in particular the proper operation of the website and system security (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR). The storage period of the recorded data is 1 year.

All cookies that are not absolutely necessary for the operation of this website are only set after your explicit consent. Some of these cookies (“functional cookies”, “statistics cookies” or “marketing cookies”), for which your consent is required, are operated by companies that process data in the USA (see below), such as Google Inc. The legal basis for this processing of your data is your consent, which you can revoke at any time (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). The storage period of the data varies depending on the provider and is described in more detail in our cookie policy.

By agreeing to the use of these cookies, you also expressly consent to the transfer of your data to the USA (Art 49 para 1 lit a GDPR).

There is no adequacy decision by the EU Commission for the USA and, despite extensive measures, we cannot guarantee the high level of EU data protection in the USA. Your transmitted data may not be deleted or further processed for any purpose. US authorities may gain disproportionate access to your data and you may not be able to effectively enforce your rights in the USA. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. You can find more information about the cookies used on this website in our cookie policy.

3. google

  • If you agree to functional cookies:
    to display YouTube videos, Google Charts and Google Maps, personal data is transmitted to Google Inc. based in the USA:
  • if you agree to statistics cookies:
    Personal data is transmitted to Google Inc., based in the USA, for the statistical, anonymized evaluation of user behavior on our website
  • if you agree to marketing cookies: personal data is transmitted to Google Inc., based in the USA, in order to be able to display personalized advertising tailored to you

The legal basis for this processing of your data is your consent, which you can revoke at any time (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR), taking into account the transfer of data to an unsafe third country. The storage period of the collected data varies depending on the Google service and cookie. You can find a detailed list in our cookie policy. Further information about data processing by Google can also be found in the Google Privacy Policy & Terms of Use.

4. Mailchimp for sending newsletters
If you give your express consent to receive newsletters, we may send you an electronic newsletter with content of a commercial nature for advertising purposes. The data provided when registering for the newsletter will only be used for the purpose of sending the newsletter. The data collected from you for this purpose will only be stored by us and our partners for the period in which you receive a newsletter and have not revoked your consent to receive newsletters.

We sometimes do not send our newsletters ourselves, but through our partner (= processor). The latter also ensures the security of your data through suitable and state-of-the-art technical and organizational measures. Our partner is not permitted to use the personal data provided for purposes other than those for which it was provided.

To send our newsletter, we or our processors use the provider MailChimp (hereinafter referred to as “MailChimp”), a brand of The Rocket Science Group LLC, 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA. With the newsletter we inform you about our company, our products and current offers, if you have registered for this newsletter. The data stored during registration, namely first name, surname, company affiliation, e-mail address and, if applicable, your IP address and the date of newsletter registration are transmitted to Mailchimp and stored by Mailchimp. After registration, MailChimp will send you an e-mail to confirm your registration. Further information on data protection at MailChimp can be found at: You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the end of each newsletter or by sending an e-mail to the data controller named at the beginning of this statement.

The legal basis for this processing of your data is your consent, which you can revoke at any time (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). Your data will be stored permanently on Mailchimp’s servers and will only be deleted when you request it.

MailChimp is certified under the “EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework” and thus undertakes to comply with EU data protection regulations. Furthermore, a data processing agreement was concluded with MailChimp. If you would like to receive a copy of the guarantees contained therein, you are welcome to contact us or our representative at any time.

5. data transfer to GauVendi GmbH for online booking
GauVendi enables room bookings to be made according to the booker’s personal requirements with the help of broken-down room features. In order to continuously improve the personalized offer, the following data is processed by GauVendi Analytics for further personalization of data: Number of people booked (adults and children), date of arrival, date of departure, features and rooms booked, additional services booked, country from which the customer booked. In addition, all data relevant to the reservation confirmation is stored in the database for sending reservation confirmations and cancellations.
You can revoke your consent for the future at any time at (opt-out link and/or e-mail, fax or address).

4) How long will my data be stored?

The personal data will be stored for this period,

  • until they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
  • in the case of processing based on a declaration of consent, until the data subject withdraws their consent and there is no other legal basis for further processing (Art. 17 para. 1 lit. b GDPR); in the event of withdrawal of consent, the lawfulness of the processing of your personal data carried out until the withdrawal is not affected by the withdrawal;
  • but in any case as long as the storage is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation (e.g. statutory retention obligations) or to assert, exercise or defend legal claims of the company.

No automated individual decisions and no profiling take place.

5) What rights do I have in connection with the processing of my data?

If the provision of your data is based on the legal basis of your consent, this is neither legally nor contractually required and is also not necessary for the conclusion of a contract. There is therefore no obligation to provide this data.

We would also like to draw your attention to the following rights to which you are entitled as a data subject under the GDPR with regard to your personal data:

  • Right to information from the controller about the personal data concerning you in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR
  • Right to rectification in accordance with Art. 16 GDPR
  • Right to erasure in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR
  • Right to restriction of processing in accordance with Art. 18 GDPR
  • Right to data portability pursuant to Art. 20 GDPR
  • Right to object to processing in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR

Furthermore, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority (Art 77 GDPR, Section 24 Data Protection Act). In this regard, we also refer to the homepage of the data protection authority available at

6) Links to other providers

Our websites may contain links to other providers and links to our social media offerings. This data protection information applies to websites and services that are owned and operated by us. We have no influence on external links that originate from our services. We are not responsible for whether these providers or the operators of the social media platforms comply with the statutory data protection regulations.

7) Technical data protection

We take technical and organizational security measures to protect your data processed by us against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments.

8) Validity and timeliness of the data protection information

This data protection information is immediately valid and replaces all previous data protection information. We reserve the right to amend this data protection information if we deem it appropriate or necessary.